Pathways Endorsement Look Book
Sauk Valley Is First Community College in Illinois to Offer CCPE Currency
To help combat the teacher shortage, Sauk Valley Community College is offering every student entering the college with a College and Career Pathway Endorsement (CCPE) a $100 credit. Sauk Valley is the first community college in the State to offer an award based on the CCPE and joins Northern Illinois University, Golden Apple, and the Minority Teachers in Illinois program in recognizing the value of the endorsement. The award can be used for books or tuition. Click here to read more....
Contact Us
Chanda McDonnell
Pathway Navigator
Heather Waninger
Pathway Navigator
Stacey Dinges
Pathway Navigator
What is the Education Pathway Endorsement?
The Education Pathway Endorsement provides students professional learning and academic readiness as to prepare for a career in the field of education. A student who earns the endorsement will complete high school committed to pursuing education as a career and begin college with advanced experience on his/her resume. The student gains both technical and essential employability skills provided throughout the endorsement process.
"Pathways provide a roadmap to a bright, promising future with specific experience future careers. I cannot think of a better way to help students reach career goals than giving them a path to follow".
Dr. Darryl Hogue, Ed. D. Superintendent River Bend CUSD#2
"I feel that the work that MCUSD 6 has done with Pathways has opened a whole new avenue for students. Particularly with our Education Pathway, students can set themselves up to be ahead of the game when they graduate high school; this takes preparedness to a whole new level. For students who know that they would like a career in the field of education, joining the pathway sets them up for success and begins giving them the more specific, career-focused knowledge and content that they will need in their post-secondary work, while also allowing them experience and time to see if that particular career choice is right for them before they have to make a post-secondary decision."
Jennifer StevensonDistrict Library Media SpecialistEducation Pathway Teacher
Morrison CUSD 6